We have reached a Tipping Point

2012 will prove to be one of the most important years in history; there is an abundance of economic, financial, spiritual, political and societal forces set to converge this year. Come to Austin, Texas Thursday, April 19th through Saturday, the 21st to fine-tune yourself to be ready to hear God's voice for your life and your region, to begin to develop solutions to the issues of our day and to meet those that you are to be allied with in the coming days.   What is a Tipping Point? A critical juncture, a defining moment in a series of events (think economic, cultural, social, etc.) at which time a series of significant, often momentus and irreversible reactions occur.  We are at the edge and God's solutions are needed in society.  Click here for our personal video introduction to you. This is not a conference but a "Next-Gen" gathering with intention and emphasis on relationships, what is...

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Mending Fences

Mending Fences The Apostle Paul was a tent maker.  It seems of late that I am a part-time fence-mender. The Lord has begun a process in my life in 2012 of what I call “mending fences”. “Of” Fences will come: Being involved in the marketplace for as long as I have I have had a chance to literally minister the Word of the Lord to thousands of people and the privilege of either doing on-going ministry or business or both with hundreds. Sometimes the business or ministry does not always go as planned; offences come, relationships get bruised at best and severed at worst.  Don’t get me wrong; this may be in only in 1% of the cases, but to me 1% is too much! Broken fences, or put another way, overstepped boundaries in either words or in deeds are sometimes a side-effect of what all of us in ministry or business that purport to be...

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2012 Prophetic Outlook

WISE Ministries International, 2012 Prophetic Outlook Charles Robinson www.CoachMyBusiness.com January, 9th, 2012 USA Economy Picture of a Hairball I saw the US economy like a giant drain pipe and a huge black hairball that was stuck in it that was beginning to back it up; the water had already been draining more and more slowly but now, as every new strand (of problems, issues or slowdown in a sector, etc.) hit the ball it just got bigger and bigger until the entire drainage system was backed up. In a strange sense the hairball also seemed to have a life of its own and was strengthening itself to withstand any kind of “plunging” efforts to clean it. I got the sense if we in the US try to do another QE3, help out the EU, etc. we could see a market “plunge”. There was a lot of “grease” (fat) build-up from the “pork” programs and wasteful spending that had...

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Word for 2012: God’s New Deal for the USA

God’s New Deal God is going to empower companies to be the Real (New) Deal. From Wikipedia: The New Deal was a series of economic programs implemented in the United States between 1933 and 1936. They were passed by the U.S. Congress during the first term of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The programs were Roosevelt's responses to the Great Depression, and focused on what historians call the "3 Rs": Relief, Recovery, and Reform. That is, Relief for the unemployed and poor; Recovery of the economy to normal levels; and Reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat depression. The New Deal produced a political realignment, making the Democratic Party the majority (as well as the party which held the White House for seven out of nine Presidential terms from 1933 to 1969), with its base in liberal ideas, big city machines, and newly empowered labor unions, ethnic minorities, and the white South. President...

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Dark Light

Copyright 2011 Charles Robinson, WISE Ministries International December 12th, 2011 Part I: Mat. 6:23 But if your eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! Luk. 11:24 The light of the body is the eye: therefore when your eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when your eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness. The eyes “leak” what is inside. 25: Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness. How can light be darkness? Evil = Darkness Single Eye = light (focused, alert, awake) “Evil” Eye = darkness V25: means to take heed if you think you have light in you when you really have darkness in you. Luk. 9:54-55 “Master, shall we call fire from heaven down on them?  But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, you know not what manner...

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B2 Stealth Kingdom Service Providers

Copyright 2011, Charles Robinson The B2 Spirit Stealth Bomber… • is cloaked in stealth technology • has unlimited range when air-refueled • crosses enemy lines undetected • uses massive fire power • supplements the combat (10th Mountain Division for example) forces well Vehicle Statistics Designation:B-2 Spirit Function: Multi-role heavy bomber Nation of Origin: The United States of America Speed: High subsonic Range: 6,000 nautical miles (9,600 km) Ceiling: 50,000 feet (15,240 meters) Armament: Various conventional or nuclear weapons Payload: 40,000 pounds (18,444 kg) Power Plant: Four General Electric F-118-GE-100 engines Crew: Two (pilot, mission commander) An eyewitness encounter with a B2, expletives removed. By Ben Thompson So my wife and I were driving down Route 9 last Saturday just minding...

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Needed: Marketplace Intercessors

Prophetic Insight Needed: Marketplace Intercessors / Jim Goll The Joseph Company is Arising “In recent years it has been declared by numerous prophetic voices that a last days Joseph Company of men and women with marketplace anointings would arise. They would be powerfully used to release funds [and other resources] to promote the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some refer to these as “marketplace apostles”. These resources would be used to help launch compassion ministries to the poor, houses of worship and prayer, healing centers, and church planting ministries. A creative, prophetic presence will rest on these entrepreneurs. Even now new insights, inventions, and a fresh approach to business is being released from the Lord. These marketplace September Prayer Report September 20, 2011 Christians will pass through many trials, and will be prepared in such a manner that the Lord will trust them with the wealth of the nations....

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The Two Houses

Copyright Charles Robinson, 2011 The Two Houses The House of the Watchful and the House of the Wise. In his excellent book, “The Emerging Daniel Company”, Aaron Evans describes a dream that Prophet Bob Jones had. In the dream Bob describes two houses; the House of the Watchful and the House of the Wise. Both of these houses had become desolate and were found wanting by God and the former stewards were pulled from it. Some had tried to sell it for fame, an act that God despised. Their time was up and the land was ready for new occupants. Unfortunately, the unrighteous had inherited it; the enemy had stolen the territory. However, God had a plan to restore this stolen land seven times over. In short order, the evil tenants were burned out. Is. 49:8 reads “In an acceptable time I have heard you,...

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Kings for a Season Part 2

Kings for a Season – Part 2 of 2 Copyright 2011, Charles Robinson August 24th, 2011 God has anointed us as Kings for a season. What does this mean? A season is a definite period of time. That is, there is a specific starting time, reign and an ending time. God appoints His Kings. Man can only recognize and Commission that which God has already blessed. Again Kings (Apostles or Apostolic Reformers) are NOT self-appointed; they are appointed by God and recognized by man. Some Attributes of Kings: Kings have to have a period of proving themselves. Think of Joseph and Daniel. There is a training time (think of Prince William in England). God has had many of you in a training time; what is your Joseph “pit” experience? Kings are people of influence and financial means and those that walk in the favor of God and man. (Prov. 3:4) Every good king in...

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Kings for a Season

Kings for a Season – Part 1 of 2 Copyright 2011, Charles Robinson August 24th, 2011 Note: I will use the terms “Kings”, “Transformers”, “Change Agents” and “Apostolic Reformers” interchangeable in this writing. There is a season for your “reign” but it is only for a season… Your assignment is to reign with equity and justice and to know when to cease your reign and when to appoint and anoint your heir. I will focus on the first two points in this blog entry and on the third in a following entry. Word from the Lord: Seasons change and the new season is “now”; this is the beginning of your reign as a marketplace King says the Lord. There is nothing that I do not do except that I first reveal it to My Servants the Prophets (Amos 3:7). My Word says that I have set my King (Jesus) upon my Holy Hill of Zion...

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