Tipping Point Hollywood was Awesome!
My interview with LeaAnn Pendergrass before the event:
Two important points that separate this Unconference from the others…
First, I have never had so much help and so many volunteers. Thank you so much. Thank you our 18 member Arts Council! Through your wisdom we put on a history-making and extremely relevant event for Arts and Entertainment.
Secondly, I have never felt God so intimately involved with EVERY minute of the conference. Several strategic times happened when we had one or two rifle speakers cancel between both days. God not only used those times he PLANNED those times and did some strategic things like…
Allowed me to prophesy to Canada, USA and Mexico as a unit.
Discuss the spiritual warfare over Hollywood. God assigned warrior angels to the group that was present.
Talk to us about the soon coming Order of Melchizedek move that is immanent and what that means.
We had 25 speakers and God’s angels came and positioned themselves for ministry in the Greater LA and Hollywood areas.
Many said it was the best or one of the best conferences that they had every attended. Here is just one comment from Laura Harris in the DC region…
“I felt like the heart of God was displayed. The many deep heart connections, the honor and genuine love within the different streams that participated was amazing to see. The miracle filled testimonies were faith expanding and hope producing. The thick saturated presence of God’s glory impacted me and anyone I spoke with in deeply personal ways. The response of heaven to the invitation of God in a critical season could not be missed.”
THANK YOU to all of our speakers and attendees. YOU made this event special and help us to fulfill our assignment from Heaven.
Together, a group of Apostles and Prophets Commissioned 70 Leaders to their various calls in Arts and Entertainment. They were commissioned under The WISE Ministerial Fellowship. Before that I got commissioned. See our Facebook pages for more:
Tipping Point 2014: https://www.facebook.com/TippingPoint2014
Tipping Point Hollywood Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/477292755732768/?ref=br_tf
Tipping Point Hollywood Main Site: https://www.tippingpointhollywood.com
Charles and Liz Robinson