Why Compensate Intercessors?

WISE Ministries International White Paper Why Compensate Intercessors? Charles Robinson Copyright 2013, WISE Ministries International The following is an excerpt from my book “Let Heaven Invade the Seven Mountains of Culture – a WISE 7M Intercessor Certification Guide” and the smaller companion book "Become a Professional Level Intercessor". Please note that within this White Paper I address intercessors as “PLI’s” which is an acronym for a title that Peter Wagner coined - “Professional Level Intercessor”. Please also note that my audience here is potential intercessors but it applies to everyone, including CEO's and Business Leaders evaluating this ministry. You charge for prayer? New Times Demand New Methods or You Get What You Pay For I need to rephrase the question. You charge for the intercessor’s time? The answer is “YES. The prayer is offered up freely, but the time is not.” In other words, the time of the intercessor is valuable and, as such,...

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The Eagle Unable to Find a Place to Rest

Vision of Washington DC and of our Nation at the Washington House of Prayer March 6th, 2014 I was in the Washington House of Prayer and I saw the Eagle that represents the USA; it had left its nest over the Supreme Court and it was circling the capitol for many days and even months and was so tired, it did not have a place to land. This eagle was the embodiment Freedom and liberty and it had no place to land and the Lord was asking if his "eagle" could land with his talons on our shoulders collectively. The Lord said said that he would not hurt us but it would be a firm-grip on our shoulders (reminded me of the Scripture of Christ "and the government shall be upon his shoulders"...

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Why participate in Tipping Point Hollywood – An Unsolicited Testimony

Brian Francis Hume 8:28pm Feb 22 Friends, I don't like sending group message since it often feels somewhat intrusive. However, I did want to alert you to an event in June that's hosted by my friend Charles Robinson in Hollywood. I first met Charles when he graciously invited me to Austin, Texas to minister at his dynamic church back in '08. I so enjoyed my time with him. I reconnected with him last year when he hosted the Tipping Point 2013 in San Antonio, Texas. It was a remarkable gathering with so many movers-and-shakers converging from across the United States. Likewise, I expect the same for Tipping Point 2014, which will target the entertainment industry in Hollywood. I know many of you are called to this industry as change agents for God's kingdom. Others live in close proximity to Hollywood and have tons of connections with those who are called by God to exert...

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WISE Ministries Word for 2014

Grace Williams Waves 2014 – The Year of the Wave, “The Prince of Tides”, the Spin Cycle and Dynamic Soaring December 30th, 2013 “Wave” goodbye to the past and ride the waves of the future; the future is now says the Lord; I see myself riding, “body surfing”, if you will, one wave and it is taking me a long distance but then like a natural wave, it runs out.  But, suddenly just as I am about to sink and thinking that the ride is over another wave “picks me up” out of nowhere and the ride, a totally different ride, continues; each wave that you will ride in 2014 will be of me; some that comes against you will be of the enemy as he is also stirring up the sea of man, the oceans of humanity and times and seasons and laws, trying to change them, but you will be still...

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The Third Dimension of God – The Soon Coming Priesthood of Melchizedek

The Third Dimension of God – The Soon Coming Priesthood of Melchizedek There is an ancient-order that actually operates in Heaven but is now coming to earth – The “Order of Melchizedek”. I have studying the phenomenon of Melchizedek – who he was and who he is and Abraham’s encounter with the “King of Salem” (peace) who had “no beginning and who has no ending” Heb. 7:3.  Jesus is of course the full embodiment of this Priesthood. However, I believe that Melchizedek was the ancient founder of Salem (of which we get Jerusalem), which was Shem, the Son of Noah.  Shem and Abraham were contemporaries (alive at the same time). Melchizedek and Intercession How does Melchizedek relate to intercession?  It will change intercession since Jesus himself will be interceding through us as His priests.  That is the epitome of what a priest does, which is to become the interface between God and man. The Dimensions...

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Tipping Point 2013 Rifle and Forums

Tipping Point 7M Unconference 2013 Schedule "God's Grand Scheme and A New Anointing" April 18th-21st, 2013 San Antonio, Texas, USA Rifle Sessions and Forums | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Thursday Friday Saturday Time Keeper Jacqueline Pilcher Time Keeper Curt Cleaver 1015 - 1145 am 7 M Rifle Presentations 15 Mins Each 7 M Rifle Presentations 15 Mins Each Max Griener A&E, Prayer Gardens Michael Tummillo Rel/Biz, TBD Tony Dale Biz/Gvt, Obama Care, Now What? Al Frakes A&E, SA is Hollywood East Beth Alves Rel/Biz, Praying for Your Mountain Jacqueline Pilcher Rel/A&E, Creating With God Stan Jeffrey Biz, Looking Behind the Physical World - Dark Matter Debbra Bronstad Biz, A Values Based Approach TX Senatorial Candidate Curt Cleaver Biz/Gvt, Divine Intervention in Gvt Felicity Dale, Rel, Women in the Ministry Special Honor Award 1145 - 1 pm Round Tables/Lunch Together Round Tables/Lunch Together 12 - 3 pm 7 M Council and Lunch Prayer for event Global Economic Forum 1 - 230 pm New Inventions Forum 10 Minutes Each What You NEED...

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Tipping Point 2013 Main Schedule (page down)

Tipping Point 7M Unconference 2013 Schedule "God's Grand Scheme and A New Anointing" April 18th-21st, 2013 San Antonio, Texas, USA | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday M/C Charles Robinson M/C Michael Tummillo M/C Joshua Geary 8 - 930 am Saturday-Only Registration Excursion (Additional fee) 8 - 9 am Breakfast on own, networking Breakfast on own, networking Breakfast on own 9 - 930 am Worship with Nissi Worship with Nissi 9 - 12 pm Bus Tour of Notable Sites 930 - 1015 am Henry Becerra Dick Fessler 1015 - 1130 am 7M Rifle Presentations 7M Rifle Presentations (other side) (other side) 1130 - 1 pm Round Tables/Lunch Together Round Tables/Lunch Together 12- 1 pm TEX MEX Lunch on Riverwalk 12-3 pm Lunch, 7M Council 1 - 2 pm (other side) The Price of Freedom 1 - 230 pm New Inventions Forum What You Need to Know Forum 2 - 4 pm Marketplace Career Fair (other side) (other side) 2 - 5 pm (other side) Kerville Cross/Garden 230 - 315 pm Praying for Prayer Requests Mitch Kersch Rel Katherine Watsey Rel/Biz 315 - 4 pm Richard Eberiga Rel Kevin Freeman, Biz, Gvt 4 - 415 pm Break Break 415 - 6 pm 7M Rifle Presentations 7M Rifle Presentations (other side) (other side) Rest...

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