Pastor Charles on The Lee Sherrell show in Dallas, Texas (part 13)
Charles: And hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when a longing fulfilled is the tree of life. There’s a lot of people out there, guys, that have had hope deferred. There’s spirits of confusion and delay that are out there right now. There’s so many people that are saying, “If I just hit my breakthrough. I just need one more [53:14 inaudible].” And I say, “Hold on. Hold on. Your breakthrough is coming.” Only 20% of Christians fulfill destiny. There’s a statistics out there. I don’t know how they researched that, but only 20% of Christians fulfill destiny and so many quit right when they’re at victory’s door. So, hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when a longing fulfilled, it’ a tree of life. And God wants to have companies all over this world, all over this United States to be these fortresses of freedom and liberty, and to really bring...
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