Pastor Charles on The Lee Sherrell show in Dallas, Texas (part 13)
Charles: And hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when a longing fulfilled is the tree of life. There’s a lot of people out there, guys, that have had hope deferred. There’s spirits of confusion and delay that are out there right now.
There’s so many people that are saying, “If I just hit my breakthrough. I just need one more [53:14 inaudible].” And I say, “Hold on. Hold on. Your breakthrough is coming.”
Only 20% of Christians fulfill destiny. There’s a statistics out there. I don’t know how they researched that, but only 20% of Christians fulfill destiny and so many quit right when they’re at victory’s door. So, hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when a longing fulfilled, it’ a tree of life.
And God wants to have companies all over this world, all over this United States to be these fortresses of freedom and liberty, and to really bring us back to our Founding Fathers, to really bring us back to the Founding Fathers of this nation and what they’ve done.
Lee: Amen. We’ve got a little over two minutes left. We’ve got a caller on the line. Go ahead caller.
Kim: Yes. My name is Kim Young and I’m calling for prayer for my granddaughter, LaTasha Newell. She has three children. She’s a single parent and she lost her job, and she can’t get Welfare and Social Security and all of that, so she really needs prayer for her.
Lee: She needs prayer. Well, I’m going to tell you something. She’s a candidate for a miracle now. Unless there’s a need, how can God move? God always moves where darkness is. Light shines better in darkness.
I’m going to have Brother Robinson to grieve right now and grieve for this young lady. And just whatever God puts on your heart, you’ve got almost two minutes.
Charles: Alright. Lord, we just pray for, LaTasha, Lord, that you would cause her to prosper and be in good health even as her soul prospers. And Lord, I thank you, God, for favor and breakthrough for her right now, God. If she fills out those applications, if she looks for a job, Lord, that that job will come unto her.
Lord, even as that fish came to Peter’s net, Lord, with the gold coin its mouth, Father, that this job is going to come to her. And so Father, I thank you, God, for favor and grace.
And Lord, there may even be a businessperson out there listening to me today and that we want to connect you with LaTasha so you can help her and she can help you.
So, I would just say call the station maybe after we’re off and you can find out more information about how you can employ this Godly woman. And we thank you, Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Lee: Amen. Praise God. Well, time’s getting away from us. We’ve got 53 seconds left. Brother Dougher, you got something to say real quick?
Patrick: I just say believe God. Just believe God. He’s out to do you good, not do you in.
Lee: Amen. Do you good, not do you in. I believe I can remember that one.
Charles: That’s a good one.
Lee: Amen. But, until Monday at the same time, this is Pastor Lee Sherrell with Brother Robinson and Brother Dougher. We’re saying these words and we always want you to remember this above everything. We’re praying for you and we love you. And remember, we love you, but Jesus loves you more. God bless you.
I’ve got a caller on the line. Go ahead, caller.
Female: Yes. I’m calling for prayer for salvation. I need salvation. I need to be saved. And right now, at this time in my life, I’m not working and these bills are just hauling up on me. But, most importantly, I need salvation. I’m lost.
Lee: Well, that’s a big statement you just made and you’re worth this whole station calling in right now. This is what this station’s about because this makes God rejoice, what you’re doing right now. Just right now, just say, “Jesus, forgive me of my sins.”
Female: Jesus, forgive me of my sins.
Lee: And I accept you right now.
Female: And I accept you right now.
Lee: As my personal Savior.
Female: As my personal Savior.
Lee: And I accept you and will serve you the rest of my life.
Female: And I accept you and I’ll serve you the rest of my life.
Lee: Until I’m with you.
Female: Until I’m with you.
Lee: And that is all you had to do. Right now, the Holy Ghost is moving in you right now. I’m going to tell you something. You’ve got some things to look forward to now.