
2, 90 Minute Forums

New Inventions and how to invest in them How to protect yourself and your family and how to prosper in new areas: God's Grand Scheme Strategic Intelligence for your life, family and business Dual passports, best alternative countries...

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Tipping Point Some Final words From Charles

We are assembling marketplace and ministerial leaders like yourself in all seven spheres of influence; modern-day Josephs and Daniels to overcome worldly mindsets and economic systems and their limitations - with heavenly perspectives.  You will experience a fresh wind from heaven! The USA and the nations of the world are at a tipping point and a gathering eliciting God's response is being called. Will you be here? Will you be part of His solutions?...

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Tipping Point Ground Rules

No fund raising – implied or direct No ministry or business solicitation (but you can have a table) Honor and deference No president bashing; however, we can present the facts No titles...

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DISCLAIMERS OF WARRANTIES The Tipping Point Gathering and WISE Ministries International a DBA of Tree of Life International Outreach, Inc. (herein Tipping Point) makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied, to anyone, concerning the subject matter of Tipping Point. Participating in Tipping Point is no guarantee of any particular result. AND DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY Tipping Point does not bear any responsibility or liability for the Companies and/or Ministries represented at Tipping Point. AND DISCLAIMER OF INVESTMENTS AND ENDORSEMENTS Tipping Point is not offering investments in any company or its products or services and does not endorse any company or ministry.  For investment advice seek a licensed investment advisor....

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Tipping Point Spiritual Discernment 2013

Check back regularly as we record the discernment that comes on the Monday evening Prayer Call, 7:00 pm CDT. Send Charles and email if you want to take part. 3/19/13: Sharon Billins Father God, in the name of Jesus, Lord, we do praise You, we do adore You, we do magnify You God, we worship You with all of our heart, mind and soul, Father God. Lord, I thank You for the joining together of my brothers in the Lord, co-laborers in Christ, together Father God. I thank You for the gifting, the anointing, the talents and the abilities Father God that You have given unto them Father God Richard and Charles Father God and their respective places. Father God I honor the mantles that they carry right now in this time and this season of their lives Father God. And Lord I thank You for the visionary Father God of the prophet,...

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Tipping Point Key Take Away’s

What is a Tipping Point? A critical juncture, a defining moment in a series of events (think economic, cultural, social, etc.) at which time a series of significant, often momentous and irreversible reactions occur.  We are at the edge and God's solutions are needed in society. Some of the key take-a way's from this gathering: Fine-tune yourself to be ready to hear God's voice for your life and your city Get up-to-speed on topics and issues that affect your everyday life and the safety and well-being of your family and employees. Receive a new "Coat of Many Colors" in the presence of people of many colors. Building relationships and alliances for the purpose of bringing Kingdom Solutions to where you live. Ordering your steps for 2013 so that you will not waste time and that you will be in the right place at the right time this year. Spiritual strategies for success in your mountain of influence. Personal Spiritual Ministy...

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Tipping Point 2013 Sunday Excursion Itinerary

[gallery] Enjoy great fun, food and fellowship with Charles and Liz and other leaders on Sunday, April 21st! Itinerary: 9-12 Bus tour of The Alamo, Mission San Jose’, Mission Concepcion and El Mercardo 12 – 1 TEX-MEX Lunch on Riverwalk 1-2 IMAX, "The Price of Freedom" 2-5 The Kerville 77 Foot Cross and Prayer Garden 5 – 630 Rest at Hotel Room 7–9 Dinner at the 750 foot Tower of the America’s in downtown San Antonio...

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Corporate Chaplain finds way to stay true to Faith

Nate Schroder has served as a pastor for most of the last 30 years, but he always considered himself an entrepreneur at heart. Now, he's found a way to combine his spiritual calling with a chance to be in business for himself — all rolled into the role of corporate chaplain. Corporate chaplains have been around for more than 50 years, strengthened by a portion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibits religious discrimination in the workplace. Changes to labor laws in 1972 also included requirements that employers make religious accommodations for employees if they do not substantially interfere with business. By the late 1980s, several national organizations had sprung up to provide chaplains and their counseling services throughout the American business scene. In recent years, as businesses look at ways to cut costs, some have turned to corporate chaplains as an alternative to more traditional employee assistance programs. Still,...

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