How Can I Bring Prayer Into My Business Without It Causing Commotion?
By Liz Robinson
Anytime we bring God more into a business, the more He can transform the people in that business which is His focus because he cares very much for the people and their relationship with Him. When we allow God’s Holy Spirit to transform a company He brings to the surface areas He wants to improve in the lives of the owners, their family, employees and clients. He brings this positive change so he can bring lasting freedom to the people, their relationships with each other and with Him and ultimately bless the business. This transformation brings visible changes in the spiritual and the natural atmosphere of the people and the business. As we surrender to the Lord any concerns about causing commotion and we bring WISE prayer into the business, we allow the Holy Spirit to bring forth great change and victory.
In Acts 16:16-40 when Paul and Silas were in the city of Philippi and preached about Jesus and against divination, they were put in jail. When in jail they prayed and sang hymns of praise to God while the other prisoners listened to them. I believe they were praying for the prisoners, the jailers, the city, the leaders, the region, etc to receive breakthrough and not just for themselves to be freed. Their prayers created quite a commotion, but for great purposes in God.
So much so that after they prayed and sang, “Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.” Since Paul and Silas did not escape after this happened, I believe this shows they were praying for open doors for the Gospel to be preached and freedom and deliverance for the people in spiritual bondage. They stayed to bring salvation to the jailer and his household! After this they willingly left the city when told to do so. They brought huge transformation to the people of that city through the commotion in that jail cell!
As you partner with WISE Ministries International we believe the Lord will bring mighty transformation, breakthrough and freedom to you, your family, your employees and your business/marketplace ministry which will ultimately affect change for Christ in your city, region and all of your spheres of influence.