Economies of 2013 – US and the World Economies Enter a Tailspin But With New Oil and Natural Gas Opportunities
From Wikipedia:
In aviation, a spin is an aggravated stall resulting in auto rotation about the spin axis wherein the aircraft follows a corkscrew downward path. Spins can be entered intentionally or unintentionally, from any flight attitude and from practically any airspeed—all that is required is sufficient “yaw” rate while an aircraft is stalled. Yaw means “to deviate from a straight course”. In either case, however, a specific and often counterintuitive set of actions may be needed for an effective recovery to be made. If the aircraft exceeds published limitations regarding spins, or is loaded improperly, or if the pilot uses incorrect technique to recover, the spin can lead to a crash.
In a spin both wings are in a stalled condition, but one wing will be in a deeper stall condition than the other. This causes the aircraft to auto rotate (yaw) towards the deeper-stalled wing due to its higher drag. Spins are also characterized by high angle of attack, low airspeed and high rate of descent.
In the early years of flight, a spin was frequently referred to as a “tailspin.”
In aircraft that are capable of recovering from a spin, the spin has four phases. For all or some types of spin some airplanes are not recoverable. At low height recovery may also be impossible. In both cases, only the first three phases occur.
- Entry – The pilot stalls the plane while in uncoordinated flight.
- Incipient – With one wing more stalled than the other, the rotation starts.
- Developed – The aircraft’s rotation rate, airspeed, and vertical speed are stabilized. At least one wing of the aircraft is stalled.[4]
- Recovery – After appropriate control inputs, the angle of attack of both wings decreases below the critical angle of attack, rotation slows. The nose attitude of the aircraft steepens, airspeed increases, autorotation stops, the aircraft is no longer stalled. The controls respond conventionally and the airplane can be returned to normal flight.
Some keywords to this tailspin impression that the Lord gave me today, December 31st, 2012 (as there is no solution yet for the Fiscal Cliff coming on the last day of this year, even if it does come it does not address the spending cuts that are necessary):
Auto rotation; corkscrew downward path (rotating on itself, economies of the nations will find themselves unable to get out of a tight self-involved and self-inflicted rotation and the economies will almost be on auto-pilot; for the US what was the controlled decent from the 2008 recession being propped-up artificially through the injecting of trillion’s into the economy will begin to stall.
“A specific and often counterintuitive set of actions may be needed for an effective recovery to be made. If the aircraft exceeds published limitations regarding spins, or is loaded improperly, or if the pilot uses incorrect technique to recover, the spin can lead to a crash.”
The economies of the world are loaded improperly – with too much debt. The nations have exceeded the limitations of debt based upon percentage of GDP. We must be creative or counterintuitive to survive financially. If the Fed in the US and the governments of the world use the incorrect techniques to recover there will be a crash. 2013 is the year to look for the crash. Remember, a spin can be entered into intentionally; going over the “Fiscal Cliff” or not is going to lead the US and the world into the spin.
4 Phases of a spin and my interpretation:
- “Entry – The pilot stalls the plane while in uncoordinated flight”; the economies of the world are stalled right now; there is very little growth. We have already entered into the spin.
- “Incipient – With one wing more stalled than the other, the rotation starts.” The US House of Representatives and the Senate are the two wings in this scenario. There is supposed to be balance but instead there is imbalance. The President as the pilot is unable or unwilling to lead the US away from spending thus the rotation has started. It will be very difficult for President Obama to pull us out once the rotation has started. Think about all the politicians and the media dong the dance (rotation) of finger pointing…
- “Developed – The aircraft’s rotation rate, airspeed, and vertical speed are stabilized. At least one wing of the aircraft is stalled.” The Legislative branch will be thoroughly stalled in 2013 and the rotation will become developed and a crash will ensue. There is a chance of a parachute rescuing us (see below).
- “Recovery – After appropriate control inputs, the angle of attack of both wings decreases below the critical angle of attack, rotation slows. The nose attitude of the aircraft steepens, airspeed increases, autorotation stops, the aircraft is no longer stalled. The controls respond conventionally and the airplane can be returned to normal flight.” Only if we are aggressive in our angle of attack against spending can we recover; any recovery is depended upon the right control inputs – the necessary leadership and methods (not just increasing taxes and continuing to spend ourselves into oblivion). I believe the US will recover.
Spin Recovery Parachute, The Next Natural Gas Export and New Oil Boom:
Some planes have built-in parachutes that can be deployed during a spin. The only parachute that I can see is a new energy boom which is in the works in the US. The US may be the largest natural gas exporter in the world by 2015; using new techniques to convert the gas into a liquid for oceanic shipping; horizontal drilling and water-based fracking techniques used for natural gas exploration are also being utilized for a new-wave of oil exploration; rigs are going up all over the place in the US – you may have heard about the boom in Oklahoma and the Dakota’s. But these trends will not reach their peak until around 2015. I believe it is God’s will that the US be self-sustaining in its energy production and not relying on the Middle East for its oil. There is hope!
2013 – Greece is the Tailspin Model
Watch as Greece’s fate becomes the fate of other nations. How have the people of Greece responded to the austerity measures – with chaos, runs on banks and rioting? The seat of modern-day thought – the Grecian Mindset is being exposed by God for what it is – futile without Him.