God Has Ordered Your Future
In this season I believe that if you show-up then God will show-up. If you show-up and give your business or ministry your all – in spite of the lack of activity, in spite of the slowdown, if you apply your faith and continue to do the things that you know to do, God will meet you in your areas of need and He will be your full supply. This is a season to speak to lack in your life and say my God, Jehovah is the God of abundance!
You are being given a new source of identity – not in what you do but in who you are in Him. Your help says the Lord does not come from the North, South, East or West but it comes from me. Expand your thinking; expand your view of me and my Kingdom and your place in it. The former things have passed away and behold the new is before you. There are new solutions to old problems and novel solutions to new problems that I have for you to solve. Taste and see that I am good. My reward is with me. You are not to be a part of the problem – you are part of the solution; you are a “solutionist”, a Kingdom Consultant, a worshiping warrior.
The enemy of your soul has placed devices between you and me and between you and the answers that you need – including financial breakthrough but I say you shall prosper and I am revealing those devices set against you and even those embedded devices in this season. For many of you it seems like my blessings and breakthrough have been hidden or suspended but they have only been delayed slightly for you have been in a testing time especially over the last 2 or 3 years and it is NOW time to come into your reward and your inheritance promised by me.
I (Charles) see that many of us have parked our cars in the garage as it were and that there are many good vehicles sitting idle. I see the vehicles here as ministries and anointing that have been laid down. The Lord is saying to pick up that mantle that was laid down which is a perfect fit for this season and back the car out of the garage and ride with Me! Come, let’s ride together says the Lord. Begin to drive with the top down (getting out of your mind and into His mind – Heaven’s ways and thoughts) and begin to feel again His presence blowing against your face. For you are blessed and made whole by My presence and you shall never be ashamed of who you are and where you are going for I am have come like the refiner; I declare that I have made you pure in this hour for this day and for this people that I have called you to. So now I order my angels to come to your aid and to bring my word spoken over you to pass quickly for this is a time of release, release, release, says the Lord.