Increased Warfare! Be Strong in this War with Mammon!
We are headed to Zagreb, Croatia on Thursday. I have a team going to a key, timely gathering for Unlocking the Balkans! Joining me will be Aaron Smith, Anne Tate, Brian Kooiman, John & Sheryl Price, Linda Heidler and Raymond Banks. Apostle Sicko (pronounced Sheets-co), from Word of Life Christian Center, is hosting Redemption of the Balkans and Southeastern Europe, a national and regional gathering with attendees from across Croatia and many of the neighboring nations. Apostle Barbara Yoder from Michigan will also be ministering, and is also bringing a team with her to help impact the region. This area is a bed of world conflict and war! Pray with us as we go to unseat spiritual forces that could work chaos in the future. Pray that the Body of Christ there is renewed and refreshed. We depart on Thursday afternoon and return on Sunday. For those of you who would like to give into this trip and region, you can give online or by calling (888) 965-1099 or (940) 382-7231!
In a CRISIS SEASON, the strategies of Heaven must invade your sphere of authority! Everyone has a portion. You have been positioned in a sphere of authority. You must understand your sphere of authority and know how to operate with others in that sphere. This sphere is where you are watching the formation of your “new”. A sphere is a circuit of motion, revolution or orbit. A sphere is also defined as a vast expanse where your heavenly realm appears. My favorite definition of sphere is a circuit of action, knowledge or influence that is both linked to the functional area of your involvement and every territory that is affected by you exercising authority. Within this expanse is an order of society that you can influence. In 2 Corinthians 10, Paul talks about what his sphere of influence includes and where he does not have certain authority to rule. This is where you enter the NEW!
For you to see what is happening new around you, you must shake off all discouragement, disillusionment, and disinterest! You must tell your emotions not to resist the NEW! You must believe that God has more for you. In other words, your latter can be greater than your former! You must go up into a new spiritual realm! Actually, you must GO BEYOND where you have been in the past!
There is much in war that we do not understand. War always involves casualties, and, at the same time, divine interventions of which we’re unaware. Sometimes war makes no sense to us. Yet, war is a part of life. And as we face the unfolding war that lies ahead in both the natural and spiritual realms, it is crucial that we adhere to Paul’s words to the people of Ephesus:
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace (Eph. 6:10-15, NKJV).
In the midst of conflict, we must learn to stand until we see peace, until the perfect plan of God is manifest. We must stand until evil forces that oppose God’s will are pushed back. As long as the Spirit of God is still in the earth realm, He will use His people to stand against the evil that attempts to rule our world.
I hear the Spirit of God say to me, “There will always be wars and rumors of war. There will be many battlefields that unfold in the days ahead. Your future will be determined by how you trust Me on the battlefield. Lean not on your own understanding. In the midst of your conflict, I have a plan! There are some things that are still hidden from you. Trust Me so that in My perfect timing I can manifest the reason I called you to stand.”
Warfare seems to be increasing in the earth! This indicates that the enemy is on the run! One can turn on the news and quickly see that we are in a season of great unrest. A bomb attack was averted in Times Square in New York City, the Nashville region experienced unprecedented rainfall and flooding over the weekend, and a giant oil spill is poised to afflict great damage along the Gulf Coast. This will affect the economy greatly.
The real warfare is over our prospering in a changing world. Prosperity occurs when we enter into the fullness of God’s plan for our life. Just as He promised Abraham, He begins to bring us to our land. When we submit to His plan of prosperity for our lives, He cleanses us from all idolatry and unfaithful ways. This submission causes hearts of stone to be replaced with hearts of flesh (a tender heart to hear God). He places His Spirit within us. He then opens doors that are linked to abundance – not just worldly abundance, but abundance of revelation to understand who God our Creator is, through His son, as well as who we are. He blesses the works of our hands. He fills us with revelation. He gives us each a boundary and says, ‘Take Dominion! The war is over you taking dominion!
Prosper on every front! Be like Nehemiah! In his day, Nehemiah saw Jerusalem in ruins and began to rebuild walls, restore gates, hang doors, and ready the place for a new move of worship. Here are some keys for your victory ahead. You need to know:
1. How to enter the new season and think differently.
2. How to see and open your eyes to a greater demonic realm and stay in faith.
3. How to hear the Spirit of God and allow your gift to manifest in a new way.
4. How to co-labor with angels and ministering spirits.
5. How to receive your new assignment and enter your new mission field.
6. How to get into the next move of God.
7. How to express joy in a new way.
8. How to gain new vision and see your provision.
9. How to have a renewed mind and a restored, alive human spirit filled with Holy Spirit.
10. How to understand the enemy’s vexing power. Mammon is motivating many to give up and make wrong decisions. Stand firm.
Who is MAMMON?
The term “Mammon” predominantly signifies riches and wealth, but as Colin Brown, in The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, points out, “Material wealth can be personified as a demonic power, Mammon.”1 When our stewardship of wealth does not align with God’s purpose and plan, we open ourselves to demonic activity.
Covetousness can lead us away from God and encourages us to trust in our material possessions. When we turn our trust from God to money, we place ourselves in submission to a new master. Jack Hayford, in Hayford’s Bible Handbook, refers to Luke 16:13 in the following manner: “Jesus said that no one can serve two masters-God and money-at the same time, and makes Mammon a potential ‘master.'”2 When we attempt to serve both God and Mammon, instability and double-mindedness is produced within us. Mammon should be recognized as a god when it leads us into worship of material possessions.
How to Defeat this spirit!
Mammon will attempt to have you manage your resources but remain in slavery. Mammon will use you up and then convince you that you would be better off to die rather than press forward. Mammon will seduce you into cursing your inheritance and convince you to activate curses against your portion and increase. Mammon is deceptive and will lead you into presumption. You will hear a voice that sounds like God, like light, or like good religion. This voice will attempt to change your priority in giving. This voice will attempt to convince you that there is no appeal to God in prayer – the only option is to give in to your circumstance.
To overcome this spirit, you must operate by the Spirit and not by your own understanding. You must find new creative ways of giving. Even though at this time we need an additional $95,000, we have found incredible ways to give. Our biggest offering came from all of us as we celebrated Passover. This gathering helped shift the church into a new place of authority worldwide. We are helping Global Harvest Ministries and Peter and Doris Wagner as they make their transition to end one season and enter into a new season. We have blessed Israel in new ways, and several other ministries in the United States. We are also buying the necessary dubbing equipment for the
Church in Mongolia. Please assist us.
Refuse choices that activate curses. Do not allow your mouth to sin. Wait for your strategy to overcome, and do not engage until you have a confident strategy. One small word will fell this enemy. Do not be intimidated. When you find your word, you will shoot that word like an arrow into a tornado.