Kings for a Season Part 2

Kings for a Season Part 2

Kings for a Season – Part 2 of 2
Copyright 2011, Charles Robinson

August 24th, 2011

God has anointed us as Kings for a season.
What does this mean?

A season is a definite period of time. That is, there is a specific starting time, reign and an ending time.
God appoints His Kings. Man can only recognize and Commission that which God has already blessed.

Again Kings (Apostles or Apostolic Reformers) are NOT self-appointed; they are appointed by God and recognized by man.

Some Attributes of Kings:

Kings have to have a period of proving themselves. Think of Joseph and Daniel. There is a training time (think of Prince William in England). God has had many of you in a training time; what is your Joseph “pit” experience?

Kings are people of influence and financial means and those that walk in the favor of God and man. (Prov. 3:4)

Every good king in the Bible blessed his people and Israel and Judah prospered during their reign.

Business people and political leaders are kings when they are set in by God and they are despots when “set in” by the enemy. The bible calls them the “Kings of the earth”.

Kings have a territory, a domain, a Kingly Domain or a King-Dom. There is a specific territory or land that a king has a “jurisdiction” to. This is important because all kings are implicitly intercessors. They petition God on behalf of the people and the land (Ez. 22:30) and the kingdom. Priests and prophets represent God to the people. Kings represent the people to God. Good kings know that it is God who has placed them in authority and that he can remove them whenever he desires. .

Good Kings in the Bible:
David, who, though he sinned greatly, repented sincerely.
Josiah, who became king at age 8 and got rid of idolatry in Israel.

Kings are benevolent. Kings show mercy to their people but also are called to judge rightly and fairly. Remember righteousness and justice are the foundation of our Heavenly Father’s throne. Ps 89:14. Earthly kings set in by God operate like their father in righteousness and justice.

Kings have subjects and citizens. This is their “metron” in the Greek or their scope of influence.

Kings have hired servants; for example cupbearers, bakers. Modern-day apostles in business have employees; modern-day pastors who operate in the apostolic function have members and volunteers.

Kings or Change Agents are influencers.

Kings have a right and an authority to decree a thing. Job 22:28 says “You will also declare (decree) a thing, and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways.”
Kings make declarations; and what they say is upheld as the law of the land and it comes to pass. Kings have an authority when they speak.

Kings for a season: This is the season for the Lord’s King’s to arise. Call them Joseph’s or Daniels in the business and governmental realms but they are kings; benevolent rulers who do not abuse their authority and realize that God has set them in for a season.

Strategic intelligence for you:
We as kings and society transformers must work while it is light for the darkness is coming Jesus said when no man can work (John 9:4). There is a specific time and number of days in end-time prophecy such as Daniel’s 70th week and we too have a specific time to work; God can speed up or slow down our involvement and interactions with others; our divine contacts; look for divine doors that have been closed to open quickly; move decisively in this season when God confirms; do not delay; there are “moving windows” of opportunity but they are only open for a season; have the prophetic ministry available to you. Seek the Lord; do not act hastily but act assuredly.

There will be some people with contempt that will try to hold you back because they are still bound by fear. As I said in the beginning of the year in our Kingdom Finance webinar (click here to view it) get a grip on fear; remove it from your life; and there may be some people that are a hindrance to your next level that you will have to leave behind for now. All that were for you in your prior season will not necessarily be at your side in this next season. What was provision for the last season may become a curse in the next season; Remember manna only lasted until the Israelites went into the Promised Land.

We are not only kings and not only priests; we are kings AND priests (Rev 1:6). This means we operate in both functions and are not limited by either role. For example, we can “rule” with equity, and mercy over those that are given to us but we also can go to God for ourselves and see what He commands of us and the people.

We as Kings and transformers are not limited to only the religious sphere of influence either; we can cross-over to the business mountain or the mountain of arts and entertainment even if we are serving God in the full time ministry.

Will you arise to your place and rule and reign in your domain of influence as a king, today, right now?

Pray this prayer with me:

The Prayer of Kings:

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you as your representative on the earth, as your king in my sphere of influence in the season that you have assigned to me which I believe is NOW. I ask that you would anoint me right now for service to you in my occupation. I pray that you would help me to show mercy and compassion on those that I am in authority over. I ask you to keep me humble and that you would help me to execute your righteousness and justice in the earth from this day forward. I repent of misusing your authority in the past. Lord, let your kingdom come, and your will be done in my life and in my family and in the work of my hands that you have given me. Anoint me as Bezaleel of old (Ex. 31:1-6) and make me skilled in the craft that you have called me in. Help me to be a good kingdom citizen and a positive representative of you on the earth to give you glory and help me to never draw back from your calling, your authority and your assignments for on this earth. Lord, I am open to new and greater assignments. Speak to me; help me to be your king on the earth (Rev. 1:6). I decree that as for me and my house and my business, we will serve the Lord (Josh. 24:15) and I say increase King Jesus; increase in the earth, increase in me – my mind and my heart and my spirit. Build me up in faith in you from this day forward. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

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