Why do some prayers of business people go unanswered?

Why do some prayers of business people go unanswered?

Part 1 of 5.

As business people we need to know why some of our prayers, prophetic words and dreams have not been fulfilled and are delayed.

The first explanation is “are we in known sin?” This may seem the most simple and obvious. However, sin is likened in the Bible to leaven. Leaven cannot be seen but has an affect of “puffing up” or causing the bread to rise -seemingly on it’s own. That is what sin does for us; it puffs us up or causes us to rise in pride. What does pride do to us? It blinds us (like the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus) and causes destruction; Scripture says that pride comes before a fall, Prov. 16:18.

The more we as Christians allow sin to have its way and access to our lives, the more deceptive that the sin can become. Jeremiah said that the human heart is very deceptive and “who can know it”?

A solution? We need other people in our lives as Christians and business people. We need one or more “transparent” relationships. These types of relationships are critical to our spiritual and emotional well-being.

Do you have someone that knows you? Do you have someone who can speak into your life? Spiritual Coaches can meet this need; these relationships should also be backed by intercessors praying God’s “shields of protection”. This is what WISE Ministries does. We provide those transparent relationships via Spiritual Coaching and our intercessors pray seven powerful shields of protection around you and your loved ones in areas such as moral purity; mental functioning; marital unity; physical safety, etc. WISE helps you with your “blind spots” and is a healing ministry to business leaders, to your families and to your businesses.

Left to our own devices we will be deceived and ultimately fail in our assignments of God. Sin begets sin. “The wages of sin is death… ” Rom 6:23.

Choose life. Choose carefully who you allow in your life – but don’t put it off. That is what many business people do. Perhaps God is calling you to a transparent, prayer-backed relationship with someone who will love and challenge you to God’s best in your life.

Why do prayers go unanswered? In part 2 we will discuss when we may be out of God’s timing as well as how to know that it is “your time”.

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